On December 10, between 9:00am and 11:00am, we will be holding an orientation/registration day for our Miniroos and Junior Programs, to give players and coaches the chance to meet one another!
The session will take place at Pettys Reserve Templestowe 3106 (off Reynolds Road) and will have a gala atmosphere and provide the children with an opportunity to play some football with each other, so bring boots/runners!
At the registration day, players will also have the opportunity to get sized up for all 2024 apparel.
If you haven’t already, fill out the EOI form:
Junior Boys: https://forms.gle/fXcPXRgeEgLZWHaZ7
Junior Girls: https://forms.gle/VAHVEhnW6se9LNai8
MiniRoos: https://forms.gle/8Z7pQgQZfedoP3VT6